Criteria Eight: Demonstrate in practice their knowledge and understanding of how akonga learn.
Key Indicators:
- Enable ākonga to make connections between their prior experiences and learning and their current learning activities; ii. Provide opportunities and support for ākonga to engage with, practise and apply new learning to different contexts; iii. Encourage ākonga to take responsibility for their own learning and behaviour; iv. Assist ākonga to think critically about information and ideas and to reflect on their learning.
Link to the New Zealand Curriculum:
The curriculum encourages all students to reflect on their own learning processes and to learn how to learn (p.9).
Students need to be literate and numerate, critical and creative thinkers, active seekers, users, and creators of knowledge, informed decision makers and effective users of communication tools.
To be effective the teacher must create a supportive learning environment, enhance the relevance of new learning, facilitate shared learning, make connections to prior learning and experience, provide sufficient opportunities to learn, inquire into the teaching – learning relationship (pp34,35).
Elearning has considerable potential to support teaching approaches while enabling learners to make connections, use shared learning, benefit from personalized learning and virtual experiences which allow students to take their learning further p.36).
RTC 8 & e-learning - guiding question:
How does my e-learning practice reflect that I understand the main influences of how my ākonga/students learn?
Questions I have asked myself:
- How do I establish background information?
- How do I elicit the information from the students?
- How much information should I allow to influence my planning?
- How does my teaching reflect that I understand the main influences on how my learners learn?
- How am I planning my strategies based on my student needs?
- How do I demonstrate knowledge of my learner, their backgrounds, interests and identity?
- Do I provide students the opportunity to reflect on their learning experiences?
- Do I allow my students to reflect on their learning and behaviour?
- Do I allow students to set themselves personal goals?
- How do I support the students to implement their personal goals?
- How does my teaching reflect that I understand the main influences on how my ākonga learn?
Strategies that have helped me:
- Observations of other staff. members and other PRTs.
- Effective planning. • KNOWING the students who are in the class.
- Good use of questioning techniques to establish background knowledge.
- Student voice/ reflection. • Plan in partnership with the students – be able to adapt according to how the lesson is going.
- Use of diagnostic testing to establish learning styles and prior knowledge.
- Attending relevant PD, particularly relating to strategies.
- How do I demonstrate knowledge of my learners preferred learning style(s)?
- Am I able to change and adapt my lessons to meet student demand at the time?
- Who might I ask to confirm this?
- What is the value of their reflection?
- How do I use it effectively?
Evidence that might support this:
- Planning acknowledges prior learning and provision of authentic learning experiences.
- Use of a variety of teaching strategies and understanding of why the strategies are being used.
- Evidence in planning of strategies to cater to all students (ESOL, Māori, Pasifika, etc)
- Co-construction of lessons demonstrated in planning adjustments.
- Student voice evident in implementation of lesson – demonstrated in evaluative comments.
- Samples of student work and feedback.
- Consideration of what I want the students to achieve and draft my reflection sheet accordingly.
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