Criteria Three: Demonstrate a commitment to bicultural partnership in Aotearoa New Zealand
Key Indicators:
- Demonstrate respect for the heritages, languages and cultures of both partners to the Treaty of Waitangi.
Link to the New Zealand Curriculum:
The curriculum acknowledges the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi and the bicultural foundations of Aotearoa NZ. The students have the opportunity to acquire knowledge of Te Reo Māori me ona tikanga. (p.9)
RTC 3 & e-learning - guiding question:
How do I/can I utilise e-learning to demonstrate respect for the cultural heritages of both Treaty in Aotearoa New Zealand.
Questions I have asked myself:
- What is my understanding of a bicultural partnership?
- What does showing respect for cultures look like?
- How have I incorporated this knowledge into my planning and execution of lessons?
- Have I actively sought appropriate assistance at this planning stage?
- How do my teaching styles reflect and demonstrate appreciation of the bicultural partnership of the Treaty of Waitangi?
- How do I develop and maintain links with these cultures - including the families/whānau?
- How do I fit into the local community? (Do I have a link with the local marae?)
- Who could best mentor me in this work?
- How do I continue to advance my professional learning in this area as a teacher?
Strategies that have helped me:
- Understand and use existing models of effective practice, eg Kotahitanga, Ka Hikitia and Te Mana Kōrero.
- Classroom observations by appropriate observer focussing on this area.
- Involvement in professional development - individual, staff, community in the context of the Treaty of Waitangi and our bicultural history.
- Actively seeking feedback on performance in this area from staff, students and whānau.
- Access students as resources within school setting.
- Attending cultural events at school or in the local community
Evidence that might support this:
- Professional development undertaken.
- Samples of student voice (and the voice of others) that demonstrates commitment to a bicultural partnership.
- Opportunities taken to learn or practice skills in less known cultural areas.
- Examples of changes made to planning based on cultural opportunity.
- Examples where staff, students, parents or the local community have appreciated my interest, involvement or initiation of cultural expression.
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