Criteria Four: Demonstrate a commitment to ongoing professional learning and development of personal professional practice
Key Indicators:
- Identify professional learning goals in consultation with colleagues.
- Participate responsively in professional learning opportunities within the learning community.
- Initiate learning opportunities to advance personal professional knowledge and skills.
Link to the New Zealand Curriculum:
Teacher professional learning is informed by the reflective use of the Teacher Inquiry model (p.35). What happened as a result of the teaching? What are the implications for future teaching? Is there something I need to change? What strategies are most likely to help my students learn this?
The school is required to provide an advice and guidance programme for provisionally registered teachers and professional development for registered teachers to enable them to effectively deliver the curriculum.
RTC 4 & e-learning - guiding question:
How do I/can I utilise e-learning to further my professional learning and development.
Questions I have asked myself:
- How do I identify what professional learning opportunities would be required and what would be of value?
- Who can best advise me on professional development opportunities?
- What are the obligations of the school to facilitate these opportunities?
- Were professional development goals achieved?
- Did the professional development meet my needs this year?
- Where to now? • How do I know what to move on to?
- What further professional development do I need?
- How do I reflect in my professional work respect for the cultural heritages of both Treaty partners in Aotearoa New Zealand?
Strategies that have helped me:
- School management systems and appraisal documentation/practices lead to regular goal-setting and review.
- Professional development must align with progress towards registration.
- Use of focus areas from SAT and conversations with mentor to further inform decisions.
- Discussion with mentor and other PRTs on the value and application of professional development.
- Membership of an in-school Professional Learning Community (PLC).
Evidence that might support this:
- Professional development undertaken (both in-school and off-site) - recorded in portfolio.
- Notes on opportunities taken to learn or practise skills arising from professional development.
- Examples of changes made to planning based on professional development opportunity - application of professional development learning.
- Examples of sharing my professional development opportunity with others.
- Evaluation form/review of professional development goals and planning for future professional development.
Criteria Four: Demonstrate a commitment to ongoing professional learning and development of personal professional practice
Key Indicators:
- Identify professional learning goals in consultation with colleagues.
- Participate responsively in professional learning opportunities within the learning community.
- Initiate learning opportunities to advance personal professional knowledge and skills.
Link to the New Zealand Curriculum:
Teacher professional learning is informed by the reflective use of the Teacher Inquiry model (p.35). What happened as a result of the teaching? What are the implications for future teaching? Is there something I need to change? What strategies are most likely to help my students learn this?
The school is required to provide an advice and guidance programme for provisionally registered teachers and professional development for registered teachers to enable them to effectively deliver the curriculum.
The school is required to provide an advice and guidance programme for provisionally registered teachers and professional development for registered teachers to enable them to effectively deliver the curriculum.
RTC 4 & e-learning - guiding question:
How do I/can I utilise e-learning to further my professional learning and development.
- How do I identify what professional learning opportunities would be required and what would be of value?
- Who can best advise me on professional development opportunities?
- What are the obligations of the school to facilitate these opportunities?
- Were professional development goals achieved?
- Did the professional development meet my needs this year?
- Where to now? • How do I know what to move on to?
- What further professional development do I need?
- How do I reflect in my professional work respect for the cultural heritages of both Treaty partners in Aotearoa New Zealand?
Strategies that have helped me:
- School management systems and appraisal documentation/practices lead to regular goal-setting and review.
- Professional development must align with progress towards registration.
- Use of focus areas from SAT and conversations with mentor to further inform decisions.
- Discussion with mentor and other PRTs on the value and application of professional development.
- Membership of an in-school Professional Learning Community (PLC).
Evidence that might support this:
- Professional development undertaken (both in-school and off-site) - recorded in portfolio.
- Notes on opportunities taken to learn or practise skills arising from professional development.
- Examples of changes made to planning based on professional development opportunity - application of professional development learning.
- Examples of sharing my professional development opportunity with others.
- Evaluation form/review of professional development goals and planning for future professional development.